
SplatterDōm: Customizable Cook Guard That Does So Much More

Created by Anna & Eric Lubomirski

The world's only dual sided, dual sized, collapsible and microwave/dishwasher safe splatter guard. **Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. We will keep you updated through Kickstarter Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your understanding while we work with our fulfillment partner to finalize shipping rates!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys, Multi-Packs, and Shipping All Coming Soon
about 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 08:00:25 AM

Hello all!

Tomorrow marks 3 weeks since our campaign has ended and we are diligently working on keeping things to our desired schedule of starting to ship units in April. We have also been asked by some of you about being able to buy more - and multiple - units during the campaign. We wanted to share where we're at and how soon you should be expecting things to come your way.

Surveys to begin testing this week!

We are expecting to begin "smoke testing" a small number of backers to ensure that our process is working properly with our BackerKit integration. Those of you who will be part of the "smoke test" (small percentage of you to ensure everything is up and running smoothly) are expected to receive your surveys this week. 

Within the surveys, you'll be able to provide your shipping address, colour selection, and the opportunity to buy any add-ons desired.

You will NOT be charged for add-ons, shipping or tax/VAT (if applicable) at this stage. We don't want to make any guesses to what shipping will cost, so once we have your addresses, we will be able to more accurately provide shipping costs, which will be charged just prior to shipping, STILL EXPECTED FOR APRIL! 

Please also note that because the campaign was completed in Canadian dollars, add-ons, tax/VAT and shipping rates, no matter where you live in the world, will also be charged in Canadian dollars. We were hoping that could be avoided just to make things easier for you, but we're not allowed. BAH!

Multi-Packs Available Through Add-Ons

Because Kickstarter only lets you make one choice per campaign, and we desired offering fewer reward options to keep our page as minimalist as possible, we chose to leave any multi-packs for our post-campaign add-ons. When you receive your survey, you will not only have the opportunity to provide your shipping address but will also have the option to add additional items to your cart. This will include more single units, two packs (Both Dōms) as well as 2 packs of each option.

Pricing per add-on is as follows:

1 x 8/10" SplatterDōm - $39CAD (Same as our Super Early Bird Special Price)

1 x 10/12" SplatterDōm - $47CAD (Same as our Super Early Bird Special Price)

1 x Both Dōms - One of each size - $83CAD (Same as our Early Bird Special Price)

2 x 8/10" SplatterDōms - $75CAD

2 x 10/12" SplatterDōms - $89CAD

2 x Both Dōms - Two of each size - $159CAD

For any custom inquiries beyond the add-ons offered above, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we can work out customized solutions.

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us either through Kickstarter or email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Speak soon!


Could not have done it without YOU!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 07:21:01 AM

Campaign Over. Clean Kitchen Elation Maximized. Soon To Ship.

Community, have we mentioned that we are humbled before? Well, we are. But what's more than that is that we are GRATEFUL for each and every one of you for backing our campaign and understanding the value that is about to come your way.

A very quick update about nothing... over 6000 people viewed our video and over 1000 of those people watched it to the end, which means over 1000 people saw us doing our worst acting on camera and STILL looked past that and wanted our product. If you want to know how much fun we had with making that video, check out the bottom of this link's page for our bloopers:

Updates will be coming and we will be updating the STATUS part of the post campaign page to finally take us to where we are... INVENTORY IS IN THE US WAREHOUSE AND WE ARE GETTING READY TO DEPLOY AS EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE TO ALL BACKERS.

All in all, we hope that you will help us continue to grow once you get your hands on your SplatterDōm by requesting videos and even posting some yourself using #splatterdom or directly to our various channels.


Eric & Anna

Inventory Update! 1000+ BACKERS! Sustainability!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 08:40:40 AM

Hi Community!

The word humbled seems to be the most constantly used word in our experience here. We literally jumped into this with extremely limited expectations, but we knew we had a good product that did what no other product (or multiple products combined) does in this space, and we made what we thought was a kind of cool video (your respectful comments are always appreciated!), so we came here, made some friends along the way, and here we are.

Did we mention how humbled we are BECAUSE OF ALL OF YOU!?!?!? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

An important message on sustainability

In building something that was approved by us in our various cooking endeavours, we needed to ensure we made something that was high quality, and solved MULTIPLE PROBLEMS! Being a microwave safe guard means no more buying plastic microwave covers. The added protection SplatterDōm provides against boil-over (a glimpse of what we're talking about in the video below) is something no other guard does. Offering protection even when the lid comes off and not being afraid to touch the side of SplatterDōm for fear of it moving or losing protection, again, we thought of that!

The main reason we did all of this and didn't compromise on quality? For us it's about more than just the benefit, it's about what the benefit means for different people. Cooking at home means knowing what's going into your food, which means eating better and healthier. It also means less waste, both in terms of what you eat, but less eating out means less takeout containers entering landfills too! And if you worry that you're replacing one landfill item for another, don't! We continue to use our original working prototype, 3 years running, and it continues to look and function the way it did when we first got it. With proper usage, you're probably only going to want new SplatterDōms because you're going to want to have more of them for different pots/pans, to use as a trivet, because you'll love the newest colours, and to share the magic of having more time to spend with your loved ones than you used to have (you know, because of all the annoying cleaning up after stovetop disasters!)

A fun visual to share...we were making European dumplings for dinner. Anna stepped away to the kids for a minute and returned to what you see below. Pretty awesome, huh?

Important Shipping Update!

We have cleared US customs and are en route to our warehouse facility in Illinois - inventory is arriving there this upcoming Monday! This means we are on track to deliver on time! As a friendly reminder, once the campaign ends next week, Kickstarter will take a few weeks to finalize things in the backend. After that, you will start receiving your post-campaign surveys from our pledge manager, BackerKit. The surveys will allow you to pay for shipping, pick your colours, and get any ad-ons.

NOTE TO ALL NON-NORTH AMERICAN BACKERS! We've tried so hard to be as clear as possible about international shipping and are now in talks with logistics companies based out of UK, EU, etc for order fulfillment. We are doing this because although you are all aware of the risks with shipping prices, we want to do everything we can to keep shipping and VAT and any additional costs down. These conversations are also in place to eventually offer our products to you more readily once we go into e-commerce.

 If anyone has a question or comments, we're here. Thanks again!

about 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 02:03:41 PM

Business first: We've engaged with BackerKit for post campaign add-ons and pledge management, to ensure the smoothest process when the time comes to get your SplatterDōm(s). Details will be posted as they emerge.

A less actual update is that we are still waiting for the inventory to clear customs in the US. This is normal, as customs has been running slower than pre-COVID times.

Now onto some fun stuff!

It's been a wild week and a half since our last update! The last time we posted, we said we hit 400 backers. Then, the following minute we had a cancellation, and for the next few minutes, being at 399 was, well, AWKWARD!

We are so humbled by your support, and again wanted to say thank you for being part of over 850 people who have backed SplatterDōm, totalling roughly 1400 units keeping kitchens cleaner, giving us all more time to do the things we love with the people we love, instead of, well, this... 

or this...

or this (last one)...

But the biggest reason for this update is that when we last posted one, one of you soon-to-be former mess-makers asked us to film something that we haven't yet done (AND WE LOVED THAT!)... POPCORN.

At first we thought, why not just use a pot with a lid. But then we realized. Sometimes your pot is already in use and you have a craving. Sometimes (as an awesome article from TheGadgeteer posted about SplatterDōm recently!) you over fill your pot and the kernels seep out causing a disaster. Sometimes you don't want to bother cleaning a pot when you can clean a pan and your new SplatterDōm, which we reused for boiling dumplings that got off most of the oil quite nicely!

Here's the video, and while we have an air popper at home that let's us make healthy popcorn without any oil or butter, after making this video, we don't want to go back to air pop! This tasted like movie theatre popcorn with all the consistency and a fraction of the fat and salt! 

 Music credit: The Flax - Whisky on the Rocks

We hope that you all keep requesting more videos of foods you want to see being made with SplatterDōm, and we promise that we will do our best to get them out for you over time. We will be building our various social media channels (currently working on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok if you want to check them out) and will be posting lots of content there too, and hope that many of you will engage with your own SplatterDōm successes over time!

For those of you who kept reading to the end, below are some other cool projects that are currently live!

Qknives - The Perfect Kitchen knife Series 

high-quality kitchen knives at affordable prices!
                   🔪Razor sharp.
                   🔪Comfortable grip.
                   🔪Durable sharpness.

The perfect kitchen knife series contains a total of 7 knives to ensure that every aspect of cutting, slicing, and chopping is covered.

AcquaUV: World’s First UV Faucet Filter Powered by Water 

Enjoy clean, healthy, safe water!
AcquaUV filter — the first portable water-powered triple filtration system. It eliminates physical, biological, and chemical contaminants from tap water through UV-C light, Activated Carbon made of 100% coconut shell, and Ultra Filtration Technology.
              💧Easy to install
              💧 Water Powered
Get Yours Now!

Rulapen | 30° Ruler, 30+ Refills Friendly Pen & 30 Years Use 

Introducing the 2-in-1 Ruler Pen - a tool for limitless possibilities, with a sleek and practical design that caters to creative minds.
The ruler boasts a unique 30° angle design that provides comfort when reading and measuring. Meanwhile, the built-in pen is compatible with a wide range of refills, offering endless writing options.
And the best part? Get first access to the exclusive "Early Bird" offer for limited backers only. CLICK HERE to get your Rulapen now!

about 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 08:18:09 AM

Hello again to all of you soon-to-be former mess-makers!

We aren't the type to bombard you with unnecessary updates, so we promise we won't! But we thought we'd drop a few lines since it's been a week since we launched :-)

Firstly, we are so grateful for all of the support you have given us! We didn't expect the results this week brought! We cannot express how proud and happy we are with the campaign's performance...We just crossed 400 backers with almost 700 SplatterDōms heading your way!

As for the challenges, we had some brutal and mean trolls on some of our ads. And honestly, there were days where those comments really got to us. BUT... so many of you sent us private messages and posted comments that were so positive and we appreciated so much! So to anyone who took the time to reach out - THANK YOU! 

Secondly, logistics update - our units have arrived in the US and are waiting to clear customs. Unfortunately, there is no actual ETA for how long that might take, however, our logistics manager has advised that all should be sorted out soon. Once that is done, all pallets are going to be loaded onto a truck and away they go to our storage and fulfillment facility in Illinois. That means that we are still on target for April shipping!

Lastly, although we had so many people check our campaign before we launched, and we read it ourselves around 40 times, several of you pointed out that Both Dōms Super Early Bird is the only pledge option without the bullet points showing what's included, and some of you worried that the option does not come with lids. We've posted it in comments and in FAQ, and we're doing it here too! Every single SplatterDōm comes with its own multipurpose ventilated lid. We'll get a photo in the campaign page soon that shows the final packaging, and you'll see the lid sitting snuggly inside (and you'll see the absolute minimal packaging we aimed for)!

That's all for now folks! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Anna & Eric

P.S. We've been MIA from our socials and are going to take some time to create new assets. If there is anything (within reason :-) ) you want us to cook on camera, please let us know!